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Divine Cool Breeze Book 5

book 5

101 pages



Shri Mataji writes that “India is a very ancient country and it has been blessed by many seers and saints who wrote treatises about reality and guidelines on how to achieve it.” This is just such a book. This book is both an introduction to Sahaja Yoga, describing the nature of the subtle reality within each of us, and a step-by-step handbook on how to be a good Sahaja Yogi, the nature of Sahaj culture, how to be a leader and how to raise children. “The knowledge of Sahaja Yoga cannot be described in a few sentences or one small book, but one should understand that all this great work of creation and evolution is done by some great subtle organization, which is in the great divine form.”

This book and many other Sahaja Yoga books are sold through Lulu. Lulu Books is a print-on-demand service that sells and delivers books worldwide, often printing in the reader’s own country. This reduces both delivery times and shipping costs. To see prices in your preferred currency, create an account at

This book is available at Lulu Books,, Apple Books, Barnes & Noble, Dymocks,, FNAC, Google Play, Indigo, Kobo, Mondadori, Overdrive, Scribd, Walmart, Woerdery, most Amazon stores and other online book sellers.

The book was first published in the 1990s. This book is also available in French, Hindi, Italian, Marathi, Russian, Spanish and Ukrainian.

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