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Sahaja Yoga Basics Number Four

10 pages



Shri Mataji's words on the topic of responsibility in Sahaja Yoga, originally published in the Divine Cool Breeze magazine volume 20 number 5. " Let us establish within ourselves, on a subtler level, the desire to be pure and to be cleansed out of all the barriers and unclean things that are within us, to desire to be great Sahaja Yogis, desire to be responsible Sahaja Yogis and desire to be sur- rendered to your Mother. It’s not difficult. The last one is the easiest because what do you surrender? I don’t want anything from you, except that you accept My Love. Surrendering just means you open your heart to accept My Love. Give up this ego – that’s all – and it will work out. I’m sure it’s going to work out.
I am trying to push Myself into your hearts and I’ll definitely settle down there."

The pdf is available from Divine Cool Breeze Books.

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