Small Title
Divine Cool Breeze Magazine Volume 22 Number 4
issue 155
34 pages
The words begin on the front cover: "It is said that God is love." The entire content of this magazine is dedicated to one landmark talk: the 30th of December 1979 in Mumbai. Shri Mataji's words echo across the years: "The ocean of love is your Sahasrara. When your Sahasrara is filled with love, then life is changed." She goes on to speak of innocence and satisfaction, dharma and security, the Virata, Hamsa and Atma. And she speaks of vibrations. It is all in one talk, advice on all the chakras.
The ePub ebook is available at Google Play.
This fixed-page ebook is not suitable for phones and other small screens. It is best read on an iPad or larger screen.